Artist Statement
I consider my work to be site specific in the sense that each piece is a direct reaction to the physicality of a space or place. The work emerges through a practice of deep looking and close observation of the urban environment. I am drawn to noticing shape, color, light, material, among other aspects that constitute the experience of myself within the landscape. How do these elements change and move as my perspective shifts? What are the elements that contribute to the feeling of a place?
My works reference the shapes and forms of buildings. They exist mainly at a small, model-like scale, which allows me to address the material and spatial relationships between forms and reference the monumental scale of architecture. Through a process of moving between three and two dimensions, I distill my subject to its essentials. In this act of translation I am also drawing out emotional or psychological elements that are tied to my memory of the place.
I enjoy the quiet moments, when the light cast a shadow on the wall just right or when a wire fence touches the brick facade next door or how the space of an alleyway frames a view of a cloud in the sky. There is joy for me in these moments, and humor too.